Vocabulary In Urdu

41 Vegetable Names In Urdu And English With Pictures

Written by Muhammad maaz

41 Vegetable Names In Urdu

In this article, you are going to learn Vegetable names in Urdu and English. Vegetable names are commonly used in Pakistan in India.  We love to eat vegetables in our life. We use these vegetables to make the different delicious dishes. As an English learner you must need to learn vegetable names because when you go to a hotel you can easily order vegetable names in English.  This article will be really helpful for Vocabulary and English speaking. You can easily download the PDF of these vegetable names that are also available in PDF format.

Lady finger/okra بھنڈی
Onion پیاز
Potato آلو
Zucchini توری
Luffa گھیا توری
Bitter gourd کریلہ
Ginger ادرک
Garlic لہسن
Carrot گاجر
Radish مولی
Spinach پالک
Tomato ٹماٹر

Cucumber کھیرا
Corn مکئی
Chili مرچ
Capsicum شملہ مرچ
Sweet potato شکر کندی
Peas مٹر
Green bean لوبیا
Mint پودینا
Brinjal بینگن
Turnip شلجم
Coriander دھنیا
Beetroot چکندر
Cabbage بند گوبی

Cauliflower پھول گوبی
Broccoli شاخ گوبھی
Mushroom کھمبی
Lettuce سلاد پتے
Yam کچالو
Arum اروی
Gourd حلوہ کدو
Apple gourd ٹنڈے
Bottle gourd لوکی
Pumpkin پیٹھا کدو
Greens ساگ
Lemon لیموں
Olive زیتون

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About the author

Muhammad maaz

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