Basic English Grammar

Forms Of Verbs With Urdu Meanings

200 Forms Of Verbs With Meanings
Written by Muhammad maaz

Forms Of Verbs With Meaning

Here in this blog, you are going to learn the Forms Of Verbs With Urdu Meanings. This lesson will help you to learn forms of verbs with meaning. These forms of verbs will be helpful for your English-to-Urdu vocabulary. If you talk about verbs in English grammar, verbs are an integral part of the English language, allowing us to express actions, situations, and events in a variety of situations. In English grammar, they play an important role in many meaningful sentences and in conveying our thoughts. When we use verbs, we often encounter different forms that vary by tense, person, number, and mood. Understanding the different forms of verbs is key to effective communication.

What Are the Forms Of Verbs?

Here in this section, you will learn the definition and exact meanings.

In English grammar, a form of the verb is the way in which a verb is formed or modified to fit a context that talks about an action that is performed at a specific time. There are five forms of verbs in English.

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What Are the Five Forms Of Verbs?

Here you will learn the name of five forms of verbs in English.

  • Base(Infinitive)
  • Past Tense
  • Past Participle
  • Present Participle
  • Third Person Singular


Forms Of Verbs List-1

Here in this section, you will learn the first list of forms of verbs with Urdu meanings. So just stay with us and scroll down for reading the 1st list.

Present ترجمہ Past Past Participle
Ask پوچھنا Asked Asked
Am! Is, Be میں ہوں ۔ہے  Was/Were Been
Abide قائم رہنا Abode Abode
Arise  اٹھنا Arose Arisen
Awake  جاگنا Awoke Awoken
Awaken جگانا۔اٹھانا Awakened Awakened
Be ہونا Was Been
Bear پیدا کرنا Bore Born
Bear برداشت کرنا Bore Borne
Beat  مارنا Beat Beaten
Bend جھکنا Bent Bent
200 Forms Of Verbs With Meanings
Forms Of Verbs List-2

Here in this section, you will learn the 2nd list of forms of verbs with Urdu meanings. So just stay with us and scroll down for reading the 2nd list.

Present ترجمہ Past Past Participle
Become ہونا Became Become
Beget کا باعث ہونا Begot Begot
Begin شروع کرنا Began Begun
Behold دیکھنا Beheld Beheld
Bid بولی دینا Bade Bidden
Bite دانت سے کاٹنا Bit Bitten
Blow پھونک مارنا Blew Blown
Break توڑنا Broke Broken
Build تعمیر کرنا Built Built
Boil ابالنا Boiled Boiled
Bring  لانا Brought Brought
Forms Of Verbs With Urdu Meanings
Forms Of Verbs List-3

Here in this section, you will learn the 3rd  list of forms of verbs with Urdu meanings. So just stay with us and scroll down for reading the 3rd list.

Present ترجمہ Past Past Participle
Buy خریدنا Brought Brought
Burn جلنا Burnt Burnt
Can  سکتا Could Could
Choose چننا Chose Chosen
Carry اٹھنا Carried Carried
Catch پکڑنا Caught Caught
Change تبدیل کرنا Changed Changed
Cry  چلانا-پکارنا Cried Cried
Cook پکانا Cooked Cooked
Come آنا Came Come
Clave پھاڑنا Cleft Cleft/Cloven
200 Forms Of Verbs In Urdu Meanings
Forms Of Verbs List-4

Here in this section, you will learn the 4th list of forms of verbs with Urdu meanings. So just stay with us and scroll down for reading the 4th list.

Present ترجمہ Past Past Participle
Cling  چمٹنا Clang Clung
Crow بانگ دینا Clang Clung
Creep رینگنا Crept Crept
Dig کھودنا Dug Dug
Die مرنا Died Died
Draw بننا Drew Drawn
Do کرنا Did Done
Deal برتاؤکرنا Dealt Dealt
Dream خواب دیکھنا Dreamt Dreamt
Dare جرات کرنا Dared Dared
Drink پینا Drank Drunk
Verbs Forms With Urdu Meanings
Forms Of Verbs List-5

Here in this section, you will learn the 5th list of forms of verbs with Urdu meanings. So just stay with us and scroll down for reading the 5th list.

Present ترجمہ Past Past Participle
Drive چلانا Drove Driven
Eat کھانا Ate Eaten
Fall گرنا Fell Fallen
Fell گرانا Falled Falled
Feel  محسوس کرنا Felt Felt
Fill بھرنا Filled Filled
Find تلا  ش کرنا Found Found
Fight لڑنا Fought Fought
Fling پھینکنا Flung Flung
Fly اڑنا Flew Flown
Flee بھاگنا Fled Fled

200 Forms Of Verbs PDf

Forms Of Verbs With Urdu Meanings PDF

Here in this section, you can download the PDF of this lesson. Just click on the below link and save this PDF in your browser. This PDF will help you to revise this lesson later.

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About the author

Muhammad maaz

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