Islamic Vocabulary Words
Don’t you know the English of Islamic words? Do you hesitate to speak on Islamic topic that English words are difficult in Islamic or religious conversation? Get ride of this problem now. Because we have brought to you the English of religious vocabulary words that you can use in your religious conversation to impress others.
Islamic Vocabulary
Let’s try to learn these words with us so that we don’t have to face any problem while speaking English.
Ablution | وضو |
Prayer mat | جائے نماز |
Prayer | نماز |
Obligatory prayer | فرض نماز |
Optional Prayer | نفل نماز |
Funeral | جنازہ |
Shroud | کفن |
Funeral prayer | نمازجنازہ |
Believer | مومن |
Prostrate | سجدہ |
Recite | تلاوت کرنا |
Infidel | کافر |
Angel | فرشتہ |
Fast | روزہ رکھنا |
Pilgrimage | حج |
Pilgrim | حاجی |
Atheist | ملحد |
Alms | خیرات |
Recital | ذکر |
Crusade | جہاد کرنا |
Equality | مساوات |
Genuflection | رکوع |
Genuflect | رکوع کرنا |
Generous | فراخ دل |
Worship | عبادت کرنا |
Miracle | معجزہ |
Luminosity | نور |
Pulpit | ممبر |
Recompence | اجر دینا |
Accusation | تہمت |
Favor | نعمت |
Orator | خطبہ دینے والا |
Repent | توبہ کرنا |
Torment of grave | قبر کا عذاب |
Islamic Vocabulary Words PDF Download
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