Application Sample

12+ Brilliant Sick Leave Application For School/ College And Office

Written by Muhammad maaz

In this article, you will learn 12+ Brilliant Sick Leave applications for Schools/colleges and Offices. In today’s fast-paced world, life often throws surprising challenges our way. Whether you’re a hard-working student, a devoted teacher, or a determined proficient, there may come a time when you need to take sick leave. Preparing a precise sick leave application is crucial to conveying your condition virtually and professionally. In this article, we will explore 12+ super sick leave application templates for various designs that cater to the needs of students, teachers, and office workers.

Sick Leave Application for School/College Teacher (Sample-1)


The Principal,

Govt.High School Lahore,

Subject: Sick  Leave Application For School/College.

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Respectively I want to inform you. I am a student in your class Section A. Sir you know well the cold is getting worse day by day, due to this severe cold I have suddenly suffered from a fever.  That’s why I can’t come to college for some days. I have attached my medical certificate for your reference.

I hope you will cooperate with me and accept my application.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:20

Sick Leave Application for School/College Teacher

One-Day Sick Leave Application(Sample-2)


The Principal,

Govt.High School Multan,

Subject: One-Day Leave Application.

Dear [Supervisor/Teacher’s Name],

This is to inform you that I have been suffering from a high fever and headache since yesterday morning. And Sir, I am a student of class 10, section B. I suddenly had a terrible diet over the weekend. So that’s why I cannot attend a class for one day.

My dear Sir! I request you give me the leave for one day. The day after tomorrow I will attend my class as per schedule. I hope you can understand my condition and cooperate with me. I shall be very grateful to you.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:12

One-Day Sick Leave Application

Sick Leave Application Format For 2-Day(Sample-3)


The Principal,

Govt.High School Multan,

Subject: 2-Day Leave Application.

Dear [Supervisor/Principal],

Most respectfully! I hope you are in good health. I want to inform you I have been suffering from a high fever for the last 3 days. My condition is getting down day by day. I can’t come to school for 2 days. So that’s why I am unable to attend classes. 

So kindly grant me leave for 2 days. I shall be very grateful to you.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:12

Sick Leave Application Format For 2-Day

Format For Sick Leave Application Due To Typhoid To Principal(Sample-4)


The Principal,

Govt.High School Multan,

Subject: sick leave application due to Typhoid.

Dear [Supervisor/Principal],

Most respectfully I beg to say that I am a student of Class 11th. I have had typhoid since yesterday. As per the doctor’s advice, I have been advised to complete rest. So that’s why I am unable to attend classes.

Considering my above condition, kindly grant me one week’s leave from (14 January 2024 to 20 January 2024).

I hope you will cooperate with me and accept my application. I shall be very grateful to you.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:13

Format For Sick Leave Application Due To Typhoid

Sick Leave Application For Office(Sample-5)


Dear [Supervisor],

I hope this email finds you in good health. Unfortunately, as you know, the weather is very changeable today, and I am under the weather. Due to ill health, I cannot go to the office for the following [number of days] starting from [date].

I will be accessible for any necessary matters and delegate my responsibilities to [name of partner]. I hope you can understand my condition. After 3 days I will continue my duty as per schedule.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Sick Leave Application For OfficeSick Leave Application Format For Class-2(Sample-6)


The Principal,

Govt.High School Multan,

Subject: Sick Leave Application.

Dear [Supervisor/Principal],

With due Respect, I beg to say that I am a class 2 section A student. Since last night I have been feeling back pain. In this condition, I can’t come to school. Sir kindly grant me leave for one day. I shall be grateful to you.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:10

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-2

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-3 (Sample-6)


The Principal,

Govt.High School Multan,

Subject: Sick Leave Application.

Most Respectfully, I beg to say that I am a student of class 3 section B. Since last night I have been suffering from a high fever for the last 3 days. In this condition, I can’t come to school. Sir kindly grant me leave for 2 days. I shall be grateful to you.

I hope you will cooperate with me and accept my application.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:18

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-3

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-4,5 (Sample-7)


The Principal,

Govt.High School Multan,

Subject: Sick Leave Application.

This is to inform you that I have been suffering from a high fever since yesterday morning. And Sir, I am a student of class 5th, section C. I suddenly had a terrible diet over the weekend. So that’s why I cannot attend a class for one day.

My dear Sir! I know you are very kind-hearted and you can understand my condition. Kindly grant me leave for one day. I shall be very grateful to you.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:18

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-4,5

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-6,7 (Sample-8)


The Principal,

Govt.High School Lahore,

Subject: Sick Leave Application.

My dear Sir, My name is Maaz I am a student of class of 7 Section super A. These days I am not feeling well, my health is getting down day by day. Due to daily illness, I am unable to attend daily classes.

I want to visit a doctor for my medical checkup. So that’s why  I can’t come to school for 3 days. Kindly grant me leave for 3 days. I shall be very grateful to you.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:18

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-6,7

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-8,9 (Sample-9)


The Principal,

Govt.High School Lahore,

Subject: Sick Leave Application.

Dear Sir! I beg to say that I have been suffering from stomach pain and headache since yesterday morning. And Sir, I am a student of class 9, section E. I suddenly had a terrible diet over the weekend. So that’s why I cannot attend a class for one day.

My dear Sir! I request you give me the leave for one day. The day after tomorrow I will attend my class as per schedule. I hope you can understand my condition and cooperate with me. I shall be very grateful to you.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:22

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-8,9

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-10th (Sample-10)


The Principal,

Govt.High School BWP,

Subject: Sick Leave Application.

Most respectfully Sir! My name is Abdullah I am a student In class 10th Section B. Sir actually for a few days I feel some weakness and health problems. Today I am going to a hospital for a medical check-up.

I have attached my medical check-up to the application. So I request you give me leave for 2 days. After 2 days I will take my classes regularly as per the school’s time.

I hope so you will cooperate with me and accept my application.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:26

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-10th

Sick Leave Application Format For Class6,7,8,9,10,11,12, (Sample-11)


The Principal,

Govt.High School BWP,

Subject: Sick Leave Application.

Most Respectfully, Sir, My name is Ahmad I am a student in class 12. Sir these days I am not in good health, my health is getting down day by day. I have been suffering from frequent fever for several days, that’s why I can’t study well.

I hope you will cooperate with me to understand my condition. So kindly grant me leave for 2 days. I shall be very grateful to you.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:20

Sick Leave Application Format For Class6,7,8,9,10,11,12

Sick Leave Application Format For School And College Students By Parents (Sample-12)


The Principal,

Govt.High School BWP,

Subject: Sick Leave Application.

I want to inform you that my sister Ayesha is a student of class 10th in your school. She is ill today and that’s why she can’t come to school for classes.

I request you kindly give her for 3 days. I hope you will accept my application. She will take regular classes when her health improves.

Thanks my dear Sir,

Yours Obediently


Roll No:28

Sick Leave Application Format For School And College Students By Parents

12+ Brilliant Sick Leave Application For School/ College And Office With Pictures Samples

One-Day Sick Leave Application

Sick Leave Application Format For 2-Day

Format For Sick Leave Application Due To Typhoid

Sick Leave Application For Office

Sick Leave Application For Office

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-2

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-3

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-4,5

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-6,7

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-8,9

Sick Leave Application Format For Class-10th


How To Write a Sick Leave Application

Some offices have a digital leave application structure; when an employee wants to apply for sick leave, he can do it via the company portal. When you don’t have that service and need to write an ill leave proposal, we provide you with the most helpful and formal sick leave proposal design in school, college, or office.

Ensure you note the application reasonably and formally, as it conveys a leave application, and your application should be short and point-to-point. Don’t add false material to your application. Finally, review the application for grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes, and punctuation marks.

Some Main Points You Should Add To Your Sick Leave Application

These are the some points you keep in mind when you write sick leave applications for School, College and Office.

  • Your name and Signature.
  • Contact Information/ Ph: No
  • Main Purpose And Subject Of The Application
  • Reason for leave and number of days for leave.
  • Greetings to the(Sir, Principal and Supervisor)
  • Application Content should be short and point-to-point.

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About the author

Muhammad maaz

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