Vocabulary In Urdu

Occupation And Names In English To Urdu

Occupation And Names In English To Urdu Chemist, Doctor
Written by Muhammad maaz

Occupation And Names

Here in this article, you are going to learn Occupation And Names In English To Urdu. This lesson will help you to learn occupation names in  English and Urdu. You must have heard the names of different types of professions in your daily life. But I am sure you may not know the names of professions in English. That’s why in this lesson we have come up with this topic that will help you to learn the names of professions in English and Urdu. 

What Is Occupation?

A person’s job or profession, their regular activity for earning a living, often involves specific skills or experience.

Occupation Names List-1

Here in this list, you will learn the names of occupations in English and Urdu. This section will help you to learn the names of some important professions names in English And Urdu.Just stay with us and scroll down for learning this list-1

Chemist Dawa Saz دواساز
Doctor Tabeeb طبیب
Druggist دواساز دواساز
Dyer Rangrazir رنگریز
Farmer Kisan کسان
Fisherman Mahi Geer ماہی گیر
Goldsmith Sanar سنار
Hawker Pheri wala پھیری والا
Jeweler Jhori سنار
Lawyer Wakeel وکیل
Sweeper Khakroob خاکروب
Sailor Mallah ملاح
Teacher Ustad استاد

Occupation And Names In English To Urdu Chemist, Doctor

Occupation Names List-2

Here in this list, you will learn the names of occupations in English and Urdu. This section will help you to learn the names of some important professions names in English And Urdu. Just stay with us and scroll down for learning this list-2

Tailor Darzi درزی
Weaver Jolaha جولاہا
Physician Hakeem حکیم
Reporter Khabri خبری
Surgeon Jarah جراح
Shopkeeper Dukan Dar دوکان دار
Author Musnaf مصنف
Landlord Zameendar زمیندار
Juggler Madari مداری
Scholar Alim عالم
Hairdresser Hajam حجام
Foreman Nagrani wala نگرانی کرنے والا
Betel-seller Pan wala پان والا
Occupation And Names In English To Urdu Tailor, Weaver
Occupation Names List-3

Here in this list, you will learn the names of occupations in English and Urdu. This section will help you to learn the names of some important professions names in English And Urdu. Just stay with us and scroll down for learning this list-3

Grocer Pansari پنساری
Quack Atai عطائی
Athlete Khelari کھلاڑی
Gambler jawari جواری
Blacksmith Lohar لوہار
Artisan Dastkar کاریگر
Broker Dalal دلال
Palmist Dast shnas دست شناس
Translator Mutrajm مترجم
Chef Khana pakany wala کھانا پکانے والا
Locksmith Tala Saz تالا ساز
Magician Jado gar جادو گر
Carpenter Barhai بڑھئی
Occupation And Names In English To Urdu Grocer, Quack
Occupation Names List-4

Here in this list, you will learn the names of occupations in English and Urdu. This section will help you to learn the names of some important professions names in English And Urdu. Just stay with us and scroll down for learning this list-4

Shoemaker Mochi موچی
Florist Phool froosh پھول فروش
Housekeeper Nokrani نوکرانی
Baker Nan bai نان بائی
Boatman Mallah ملاح
Confectioner Halwai حلوائی
Clergyman Padri پادری
Cashier Khazanchi خزانچی
Contractor Theky dar ٹھیکدار
Musician Moseeqar موسیقار
Mechanic Mistari مستری
Nurse Dai دائی/نرس
Poet Shair شاعر
Occupation And Names In English To Urdu Shoemaker, Florist
Occupation Names List-5

Here in this list, you will learn the names of occupations in English and Urdu. This section will help you to learn the names of some important professions names in English And Urdu. Just stay with us and scroll down for learning this list-5

Porter Quli قلی
Peon Chaprasi چپڑاسی
Plumber Nal saz نل ساز
Publisher Nashar ناشر
Police man Sepahi سپاہی
Shepherd Charwaha چرواہا
Agent karandah کارندہ
Artist Fankar فنکار
Accountant Muhasab محاسب
Bookbinder Jild saz جلد ساز
Beggar Faqeer فقیر
Butcher Qasai قصائی
Carpenter Tarkhan ترکھان
Occupation And Names In English To Urdu Peon, Plumber
Occupation Names In English PDF Download

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About the author

Muhammad maaz

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