Basic English Grammar

Present perfect Continuous Tense with Urdu to English Examples

Written by Muhammad maaz

What are Tenses?

Tenses play a circular role in the English language. It denotes the time an action takes place, whether sometime in the past, in the past, in the present, or will take some in the future.

انگریزی زبان میں ایک سرکلر کردار ادا کرتا ہے۔  یہ اس وقت کی نشاندہی کرتا ہے جب کوئی عمل ہوتا ہے چاہے ماضی میں ،موجوہ وقت میں، یا مستقبل میں کچھ ہو

Parts of Tenses

 There are two parts to tenses

  • Active voice
  • Passive voice

What is active voice?

When the subject of the sentence performs the verb’s action, we say that the sentence is in active voice. The sentence has an active voice has a strong, direct, and clear tone.


This match will be played in  Karachi.

The hospital will be inaugurated tomorrow.

Cotton will be grown in a larger area this year.

Steps will be taken to save the city.

The guests will be received at the bus stand.

What is passive voice Tense?

A sentence is in the passive voice, on the other hand when the subject is acted upon by the verb. The passive voice is always constructed with a conjugated form of to be plus the verb’s past participle.


This match will be played in  Karachi.

The hospital will be inaugurated tomorrow.

Cotton will be grown in a larger area this year.

Steps will be taken to save the city.

The guests will be received at the bus stand.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense 

Present perfect Continuous tense represents the work that started in the past and is still running. It uses “has been/ have been” and ing is added with the verb.

Use of Since and For

Use of Since

Since  +starting point+ A time+ A date

Since is used to express a specific time.

For example:

Since 6 o’clock

Since Monday

Since March

Since 2021

Since I left my job

Since the end of the last year

Use of FOR

For is used to express the duration of time.

For 15 minutes

For 6 hours

For 10 days

For 5 months

For years

For a long time

Sentence structure for Simple sentence

Subject( Third-person singular number)+Has been and Have been+ 1st form of verb+ing  +Object + Since/ For

He has been coming here for a long. وہ مدت سے یہاں آتارہا ہے۔
People have been coming to the park since morning. لوگ صبح سے سیرگاہ میں آرہے ہیں۔
The players have been playing football since 4 o clock. کھلاڑی چار بجے سے فٹ بال کھیل رہے ہیں۔
The frogs have been croaking in the pond since evening. تالاب میں مینڈک شام سے  ٹرارہے ہیں۔
Akbar has been learning tables for several hours. اکبر کئی گھنٹوں سے پہاڑے یاد کررہا ہے۔
All the Muslims have been fasting since the first of Ramazan. تمام مسلمان یکم رمضان سے روزے رکھ رہے ہیں۔
All the people have been embracing one another for an hour. سب لوگ ایک گھنٹے سے ایک دوسرے سے بغل گیر ہورہےہیں۔
Some people have been enjoying the exhibition since evening. کچھ لوگ شام سے نمائش کا  لطف اٹھارہے ہیں۔
The draftsmen have been drawing the map of the building for one week. نقشہ نویس ایک ہفتے سےعمارت کا نقشہ بنارہے ہیں۔
The players have been making preparation to play a match for several days. کھلاڑی کئی دنوں سے کھیلنے کی تیاری کررہے ہیں۔
I have been repairing the T.V. set since Wednesday. میں بدھ   سے ٹی وی  سیٹ کی مرمت کررہا ہوں۔

Sentence structure for Negative Sentences

Subject( Third-person singular number)+ has+ not
been or have +not+been  + Ist form of verb+ ing+ Object+ for/ since

The boatmen have not been leaving their boats for two hours. ملاح دو گھنٹے سے اپنی کشتیاں چھوڑ کر نہیں جارہے ہیں۔
The passengers have not been burning fire since evening. مسافر شام سے آگ نہیں جلارہے ہیں۔
The idle students have not been working for many days. نکمے طالب علم کئی دنوں سے کام نہیں کررہے ہیں۔
The tailor has not been sewing clothes since Tuesday. درزی منگل سے کپڑے نہیں رہا ہے۔
The hunter has not been setting a net for several months. شکاری کئی ماہ سے جال نہیں بچھارہا ہے۔
They have not been advising us for fifteen days. وہ ہمیں پندرہ دن سے نصیحت نہیں کررہے ہیں۔
. You have not been acting upon the advice of your parents for several years. آپ اپنے والدین  کے مشورے پر کئی سال سے کام نہیں کررہے ہیں۔
The doctors have not been treating the patient for three days. ڈاکٹر تین دن سے مریض کا علاج نہیں کررہے ہیں۔
I have not been receiving letters from my brother since October مجھے اکتوبر سےاپنے بھائی کے خط نہیں مل رہے ہیں۔
He has not been giving anything to his mother for four months. وہ اپنی ماں کو چارماہ سے کچھ نہیں دے رہا ہے۔
People have not been mourning the death of the robber since yesterday. لوگ کل سے ڈاکو کی موت پر افسوس نہیں کررہے ہیں۔
The two friends have not been meeting each other since March. دوسہلیاں جون سے ایک دوسرے کو نہیں مل پارہی ہیں۔
His brother has not been offering prayers for four days. اس کا بھائی چار روز سے نماز نہیں پڑھ رہا ہے۔
The  cock has not been crowing since yesterday مرغ کل سے بانگ نہیں دے رہا ہے۔v

Interrogative Sentences for Present Perfect Continuous Tense

 Subject +has been or have been+ Verb(1st form)+ ing +Object+ Since/ For

(Where, What, Whom, How, Who, When)+ Subject+ + VerbVerb(1st form)+ ing +Object+ Since/ For

Have the flies been buzzing over rotten fruits for two hours? کیاخراب پھلوں پر مکھیاں دو گھنٹے سے بھنبھنارہی ہیں؟
Where has the carpenter been repairing chairs since Friday? بڑھائی جمعہ سے کرسیاں کہاں مرمت کررہا ہے؟
Why has Saeed been taking medicine for three days? سعد تین دن سے دعوائی کیوں کھارہا ہے؟
Has the master been punishing his servant since 7 o’ clock? کیا مالک اپنے نوکر کو سات بجے سے سزہ دے رہا ہے؟
Since when have the naughty boys been deflating the tube? شرارتی لڑکے کب سے ٹیوب میں ہوا نکال رہے ہیں؟
Have the guests been waiting for food for one hour? کیا  مہمان ایک گھنٹے سے کھانے کا انتطار کررہا ہے؟
Have your friends been helping you since June? کیا تمہارے دوست جون سے تمہاری مدد کررہے ہیں؟
What have you been doing here for four hours? یہاں آپ چار گھنٹے سے کیا کررہے ہیں؟
Where have they been sawing wood since noon?? وہ لکڑی دوپہر سےکہاں چیر  رہے ہیں؟
Which story has Bilal been writing since 7 o’clock? بلال سات بجے سے کونسی کہانی لکھ رہا ہے؟
Has the crowd been raising slogans since noon? کیاہجوم دوپہر سے نعرے لگارہا ہے؟
Why have the children been spoiling books since morning? بچے صبح سے کتابیں کیوں خراب کررہے ہیں؟
Have those people been joining in the procession since 5 o’ clock? کیا وہ لوگ پانچ بجے سے جلوس میں شامل ہورہے ہیں؟
Has the patient not been taking bath for four days? کیا مریض چار دن سے نہیں نہارہا ہے؟
Why have the shopkeepers been decorating  shops for three days? دکان دار تین دن سے دکانیں کیوں سجارہے ہیں؟

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About the author

Muhammad maaz

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