Vocabulary In Urdu

47 Advanced Vocabulary Words

Written by seekhlein

Advanced Vocabulary

Increasing English vocabulary is the dream of every English learner. People want to learn English overnight. But its not an easy task. We will do our best to fulfill this dream of learning advanced English vocabulary words in few days. We have collected 47 English vocabulary words in one PDF file. Learn these words and this will significantly increase your English vocabulary. And you will be able to speak English fluently.

Important Vocabulary Words

These advanced vocabulary words are important for your words collection. It’s a great opportunity to save these important vocabulary words in your mind.

Ruffian بدمعاش
Merely محض
Puzzled حیرت زدہ
Palpitating دل کا دھڑکنا
Merriment خوشی
Pageant تماشہ
Twinkling پلک جھپکنا
Ritualistic رسمی
Murmur گنگناہٹ
Faint بے ہوش
Wakefulness بیداری
Chuckle منہ دبا ہنسنا
Absurd مضحکہ خیز
Timidity ڈرپوک
Sanatorium صحت افزا مقام
Awful خوفناک
Stooping over جھکنا
Inclined مائل ہونا
Pity افسوس
Quavering لرزنا
Whimsical من موجی
Anxious فکرمند
Measles خسرہ
Muffled گدلا ہوا

Tremulous کانپتا ہوا
Sumptuous عمدہ
Maladjustment خرابی
Pomposity شان و شوکت
Cheekier شوخ
Conjugation تعلق
Impudent باطل
Embellished زیب و زینت
Twilight دھندلکا
Tranquility سکون
Profoundly گیرا
Reckoned حساب
Gassing گیس سے مارنا
Chubby موٹے
Deafeningly بہرے پن سے
Tattered بکھرے ہوئے
Greying اُداس
Dilatoriness سستی
Unctuousness نحوست
Unimpaired بغیر معاوضہ
Reverberating گونجنا
Dauntless بے پاک
Shrilly چمکیلی
Stumble ٹھوکر کھانا

Advanced Vocabulary Words PDF Download

Click the following link to download PDF for free and learn these words to enhance your advance vocabulary.

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